Staying Connected in Turkey with Alldaywifi

One of the biggest challenges digital nomads face while travelling is staying connected. Finding reliable and fast Internet in a new destination can be as simple as purchasing a local sim card with a pay-as-you-go data bundle, however in some places this process can be complicated and time consuming. On a recent trip to Turkey I decided to save myself the time and hassle of getting a sim card, and instead I tried the Alldaywifi service which left me pleasantly surprised.


On their website, the process is described in four simple steps: Book, Get, Use and Return. Here is a brief breakdown of my experience using AllDayWifi while visiting Istanbul and Bodrum.

1. Simple & Easy Online Booking

I really wish all reservation processes would be this simple. It literally takes you less than 30 seconds to reserve your mobile router on the Alldaywifi website. It’s as easy as entering your pick up and drop off dates, entering some additional details on the next page and paying via PayPal. You will then receive an email confirming your order.

2. Efficient Delivery Before Arrival

As promised, my Alldaywifi kit was waiting for me at the reception of my rental apartment – charged and ready to go including a spare battery pack (to charge the router or my iPhone), an Istanbul (Public Transport) Kart, as well as concise user instructions.

3. Fast Speed With Decent Coverage

I tested the device at various locations with decent results. The coverage and speed will depend on the network coverage. However if you do get stuck with poor coverage and slower speeds, it’s simple enough to move along and find a new cafe or restaurant to work from.

4. Hassle Free Return

I started my trip in Istanbul and ended in Bodrum, which was no problem when it come to returning the device. Leaving your kit at your hotel or apartment in Istanbul is free of charge and for a small additional fee you can also leave it at your accommodation outside of Istanbul – in my case this was Bodrum.

Customer Service

As I do with most services and products, I usually find some or other reason to contact customer support. I did have some issues connecting my MacBook and iPhone to the mobile router. I contacted AllDayWifi on Twitter and got efficient support. After following the simple step-by-step instructions I had reset my device to factory settings and was back up and running.


Alldaywifi didn’t only work for me, but for my entire family too as we could connect multiple devices to the mobile router. For my requirements Alldaywifi offered me everything I needed and I would recommend it anybody planning a visit to Turkey.

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Online Marketing Strategist, WordPress Web Developer, Videographer, Mediapreneur & Digital Nomad. Co-Founder of Freemadic and owner of Posmay Media & VidHatch. Follow him at / Twitter / LinkedIn / Google+ / Facebook